The Review of Gendut 5 Menit Film by Laila and Sesi

Reviewers :
Laila Novianti (17)
Sesi Setiana (27)

The Gendut is a fiction comedy film directed  Eko Junianto and written by Tangguh Al Fatah. The film casts Aji, Wildan, Nurokhim, Feri, Trismo, Ipin, Decha, Ni Mahin, Ni Lutfi, and Harun. The film was produced by Aris Prasetyo. Editor by Eko Junianto and Prio Pambudi. Cameramen by Darminto and Cahyo. The film visualize how the struggle a junior high kids who want to be thin but the taken wrong.  The film takes the theme of healthy on 2015 Purbalingga district level.

The story begins when Aji, students Junior High School that overweight are struggling to change the form of his body to be slimmer with slimming drug. First he just drink one slimming drug , but because of the effects of that arise in the morning and his weight is still the same, finally he complain to a seller medicine. Therefore, a seller medicine suggests the slimming drug that the same as before and slimming herb. Over the seller medicine, the students mixing the drug with “slimming herb”. Unluckly, he exactly passed out of a medicine overdose.

This short film by Eko Junianto is good and can convey a message to the audience. The acting of the cast also matches the story. The main character is in accordance with the figure he plays because he really has a fat body. The main character is able to play her role as someone who wants to have a slim body.

Overall, “ Gendut " is Purbalingga film that has a valuable message for the audience. This film won first place in the National Short Film Contest held by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia. This award was given at the peak of the 2015 National Health Day in Jakarta. This film is entertaining and contains a message that reminds us that when we want something we must try without taking shortcuts and using the right effort.

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